Monday, November 4, 2013


I finally have a date to leave - Friday November 8th. I will be leaving for China this coming Friday. That's super close. I've been packing and sorting and deciding what to take and what to leave all morning.

It's a relief to finally have a date and my plane ticket and a deadline. It's also makes me panic a little. I have so much to do yet. I have to finish packing (duh!) and I still haven't sold my car and it seems like I always need to get just one more thing. And I believe after I have everything packed, I'll have to unpack and repack everything to make it all fit and make sure I haven't forgotten everything. It's exhausting just thinking about.

I know this week will go by way to fast. There is so much to do and so many things I want to do that I feel like there will be very little time to stop and breath. It'll be worth it once I get to China and can start exploring and challenging myself.

I still don't speak very much Chinese.  My vocabulary is about 10 words or so. Not enough to hardly count as knowing the language. That will be something I'll have to learn in China; something that will be easiest to do once I'm immersed in the country and culture and am forced to learn to manage. I'm looking forward to learning and broadening my horizons.

I gotta go now. Next time you hear from me, I'll probably be in China.

Until next time!

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